

Nov 14, 2023

City Council Approves $6 Million For Street Resurfacing

As part of Monday's consent calendar, the Pasadena City Council on Monday approved an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Improvement Program appropriating $6 million to the annual citywide street resurfacing and ADA improvement program.

A consent calendar is a tool used by government bodies to streamline meeting procedures by grouping routine, non-controversial items into a single agenda item that can be approved in one vote.

The funding will be used to resurface streets throughout the city, including those with high pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

A comprehensive assessment of pavement condition was conducted citywide in 2019 to generate a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) rating for each street segment.

The network-wide average PCI was calculated at a score of 58, and the 2019 analysis identified an annual funding need of approximately $11 million to maintain the City's average PCI score.

The City has a network of approximately 360 centerline miles of asphalt-paved streets estimated to have a value of $500 million.

Since Fiscal Year 2019, the budget appropriation for the Annual Street Resurfacing and ADA Improvement Program has averaged $4.5 million, resulting in a decline in the average PCI score from 58 to 53. The condition of the City's roadway network scores lowest among its neighboring cities.

This one-time appropriation of an additional $6 million, in conjunction with the annual CIP appropriation, will maintain a network-wide average PCI value of 53 for another year and mitigate the exponentially greater cost of deferred maintenance on the streets to be addressed.

This $6 million investment would rehabilitate approximately eight center line miles, which if deferred, would cost the City over $13 million to rehabilitate in five years and over $39 million if deferred for 15 years. If approved, staff will utilize $3 million to slurry seal and/or micro-surface of streets that are in good condition (PCI > 60) to prevent these streets from further deterioration and needing a grind and overlay treatment, which would cost approximately three times as much. The remaining $3 million will be utilized to rehabilitate streets that are in poor or very poor condition (PCI < 40) and part of the City's backlog of streets in need of thick overlays or pavement reconstruction.

Here are the other items that passed on Monday's consent calendar:

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